Reservation Guarantees HotelRSV
To modify the texts, title and activation status of a guarantee you should select: Configuration → General → Reservation Guarantees
On the screen you will be able to see two sections:
In the section Room Reservation Guarantees you will be able to visualize all the guarantees that have been registered, the status and text in English and Spanish.
To edit a Guarantee, click on the Edit pencil.
In the section Define Room Reservation Guarantees window you can modify the guarantees according to the following parameters:
| Description |
Guarantee Name
| Indicate the title of the guarantee as you want to appear in the hotelRSV Web and Mobile applications. |
Applicable Season Level | Indicate the seasonal level (High, Medium, Low) at which this guarantee will be shown to the end customer. This is useful to determine if any form of payment will apply according to certain conditions (e.g. Payment with CC required for Non-Refundable rates). |
Description | Enter the relevant guarantees details as you want them to appear in the applications.
HotelRSV will give priority to Translations (see below) over this text. If you submit a translation, the translation will be shown. If you do not provide any translation, the text will be shown in this description.
Order | Indicates the order in which they will be displayed in the Room Reservation Guarantees section. |
Save | Save the changes made. |
Ignore | Undoes (cancels) any changes leaving the record as it was originally. |
Registering Guarantees: Guarantees are registered by hotelRSV staff as there are dependencies with other parameters of the system. If you want to register a new guarantee, please request it in our help desk
Translation of Guarantees - Payment Method
You will be able to translate the description of the guarantees or payment methods according to the language of the guest, you must go to the section Translation of Payment Method and Guarantees.
Field | Description |
Payment Method and Guarantees * | In the multi-selector you must select the guarantee/payment method to translate your description. |
Language * | In the multi-selector you can select the language to translate into: -Spanish -English -Italian -Portuguese -German -French
Guarantee Name * | Translation of text according to the selected language. |
Add | Button to Add translation. |
Delete | Button to Delete added description. |
* Mandatory Fields
-Once the description has been added you will be able to see what has been entered in the Translation of Payment Method and Guarantees. section.
-To modify the information, you must select the guarantee/payment method, click on the
Pencil icon
and the information will appear in the
Translation of Payment Method and Guarantees section.
-The translation is done by selecting the multi-selector of languages, not with the flags that appear in the upper menu.
Define Room Reservation Guarantees
Guarantee View in hotelRSV from your WEB
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