Warehouse Incoming

Warehouse Incoming

Through this application it is possible to enter, modify, delete, print, authorize and search for Incominginventory. For this, it is required that the products are previously entered in the Products Catalog, as well as the suppliers in the Suppliers Catalog.
Go to Administration (Back Office) → Inventory Management → Warehouse Incoming and Departure → Register Warehouse Incoming
The initial screen displays the following sections:
Register Incoming Inventory: The header and details of the purchase invoice are entered.
Search Incoming Inventory:  Allows you to search for already registered Inventory Incoming (purchases).
 Incoming Inventory Registered: Displays the registered Incoming (Purchases), allowing to show them according to the filters of Supplier, Document #Document, Date, Cy (Currency) and Status. In addition, massive actions can be performed by executing the Print, Authorize, Update and Authorizations Pending buttons to the Incoming (Purchases).
Status of Inventory Entry:
New: Only the header of the Incoming (purchases) is registered, it has no details registered.
Registered: The Incoming (purchase) is at register level, it can be printed, modified or deleted.
Authorized: It is a previous step for the update of the adjustment. It allows the modification of the information.
Updated: The information of the Incoming (purchase) cannot be modified because the affectation was made to the product and the balance of the supplier.

Search Incoming Inventory

To search for an Incoming Inventory (purchase) the following steps are performed:
In the Search Incoming Inventory section, you enter the corresponding information from the following fields:
Identify the supplier and select the appropriate one.
Invoice day dd/mm/yyyy, or click on the calendar.
# Document
Enter the invoice number of the purchase. It is an alphanumeric field with 20 digits.
PO Assigned
Please indicate whether or not you have a purchase order assigned to you.
Entry Status
Select a specific status or all.
You can select one or several filters, depending on the filters used will be the specifics of the search.
Press the Search button.

Register Incoming Inventory

To register Incoming Inventory, you must perform the following steps:
In the Register Incoming Inventory section, the invoice header of the Incoming Inventory is registered. Enter the corresponding information from the following fields:
Supplier *
Identify the supplier and select the appropriate one.
Doc. Type *^
Select the type of document to be registered.
# Supplier Doc. *
Enter the invoice number. It is an alphanumeric field with 20 digits.
Doc. Date *
Invoice day dd/mm/yyyy, or click on the calendar.
Conditions of Payment *
When registering the supplier, this field has already been pre-filled, if not, then select the correct option.
Exp Date *
It is automatically displayed based on the invoice date and credit days
Business Unit ID
This field applies when it is a parent company with branches. Select the corresponding business unit.
# Quotes
If it exists, it will be shown when defining the purchase order that corresponds to the entry.
#Purchase Order
If it exists, indicate the corresponding number. If it exists, the products charged in the purchase order will be automatically registered in the entry.
Applies w/o Prepayment
If it exists, choose the number that corresponds to it.
Register information regarding the entry (purchase).
% Discount
If applicable, indicate the discount percentage applicable across the board for all products registered.
Incoming Total
Total, invoice amount including taxes (for verification purposes).
Exchange Rate
Applies when the supplier is assigned a foreign currency. The corresponding parity is entered.
To move between fields, use the TAB key or position yourself in the field with the mouse.
Press the Add button.
Enter the detail of the entry (purchase) in the Register Incoming Inventory Detail Invoice # XXX section, entering the corresponding information from the following fields:
Type *
Select the type of inventory to which the product to be received belongs.
Product *
Enter the name of the product for which the Inventory entrance is to be made.
Invoiced *
Quantity of product that is mentioned on the invoice.
Received *
Amount of Inventory received.
Price *
Unit cost of the product.
% Discount
If applicable, indicate the applicable discount percentage specific to the product being captured.
Press the Add button.

In the Incoming Details Invoice # XXX section, the products with the entries already registered are displayed.
Repeat the above steps for each product.
* Mandatory Fields
Fields Applicable in Chile

Modify Incoming Inventory

In this application, you can modify the header and details of the Incoming Inventory if it has the status of Registered or Authorized, for this, follow the steps below:
In the Incoming Inventory Registered section, click on the Edit icon of the Incoming Inventory to be modified in the Sel column.
Modify the appropriate field in the Register Incoming Inventory section.
Press the Save button.
In the Incoming Details Invoice # XXX section click on the Edit icon of the product to be modified in the Sel column.
Modify the appropriate field in the Register Incoming Inventory Detail Invoice # XXX section.
Click on the Save button.

Delete Incoming Inventory

You can delete the Incoming Inventory only if it has Register or Authorize Status by following the steps below:
Inventory Entrance:
In the Incoming Inventory Registered section click on the Edit icon of the Incoming Inventory to be deleted in the Sel column.
Click on the Delete button.
To confirm, click on the Ok button, or click on the Cancel button to not perform the deletion of the Incoming Inventory.

In the Incoming Details Invoice # XXX section, click on the Edit icon of the product to be modified in the Sel column.
Modify the appropriate field in the Register Incoming Inventory Detail Invoice # XXX section.
Click on the Save button.

Print Incoming Inventory

It is possible to print the Incoming inventory in the following situations:
When you have Register Status. The following steps must be followed:
In the Incoming Inventory Registered section, click on the Edit icon of the goods receipt to be printed in the Sel column.
Press the Print button.
Press the Ignore button to return to the application screen.

From the Incoming Inventory Registered section, perform the following steps:
Press the Print button in the Incoming Inventory Registered section.
The Incoming Inventory Report section will be displayed, in the Define Values for Report Parameters section, and enter the following information:
Identify the supplier and select the appropriate one or select all.
Invoice Number
Enter the document number or leave blank for all.
Click on the Show button.
In the Incoming Inventory Report section, click on the Back button, returning to the initial Register Incoming Product screen.

Authorize Incoming Inventory

After the adjustment has been reviewed, it is authorized. The adjustment can be modified by following the steps below. It is important to mention that the authorization process must be completed before the update process can be performed.
The authorization can be done individually (a single debt), or by groups (several or all debts at once).
To authorize the goods entrance the following steps are performed:
Press the Authorize button in the Incoming Inventory Registered section.
The Authorize Incoming section will be displayed, select the goods Incoming to be authorized by clicking on the check box in the Sel column or press the "Select All" check box.
Confirm the approval of the goods Incoming by pressing the Authorize button.
In the Authorize Incoming section, press the Return button, returning to the initial Enter Product Settings screen.
In the Authorize Incoming section, displays the Search Documents to Authorize window where you can search for the adjustments to be authorized.
To perform the search, you can fill in one, several or all of the following fields:
Select the supplier from which the search will be performed
Enter the Day/Month/Year of the document. You can also click on the calendar.
Document #
Number of the registered document you wish to search for.
Press the Search button.
The Authorize Goods Incoming section will display the goods entrance or display the message "No Records".
In the Authorize Goods Incoming section press the Return button, returning to the initial screen.

Update Incoming Inventory

It is necessary that the goods Incoming have the status of Authorized to proceed with the update. Once the update has been performed, the goods Incoming cannot be changed. Updating affects the kardex.
Updating can be done individually (a single debt) or by groups (several or all debts at once).
To update the goods receipt the following steps are performed:
Press the Update button in the Incoming Inventory Registered section.
The Update Incoming window will be displayed, in the Update Incoming of Inventory section, select the goods entries to be updated by clicking on the check box in the Sel column or press the "Select All" check box.
Confirm the update of the goods Incoming by pressing the Update button.
In the Update Incoming section press the Return button, returning to the initial Incoming Inventory Registered screen.
In the Update Incoming window, it displays the Search of Documents section where you can search for the settings to update.
To perform the search, you can fill in one, several or all of the following fields:
Select the supplier from which the search will be performed
Enter the Day/Month/Year of the document. You can also click on the calendar.
# Document
Number of the registered document you wish to search for.
Press the Search button.
In the Update Incoming of Inventory section, the goods Incoming will be displayed or the message "No Records" will be displayed.
In the Update Incoming of Inventory section, press the Return button, returning to the initial screen.

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