Through this application you can import, delete and view, from the server or from the Novohit Cloud Storage, the XML files of the CFDI/DTE of the invoices received from third parties:
- Inventory Management: Importation of the invoice header by means of an optical reader.
- Accounts Payable: Invoices for services or goods for which no inventory is kept.
The initial screen shows the following sections:
Select Files allows you to import electronic documents (XML CFDI/DTE) from the computer or Novohit Cloud storage to the Novohit system.
Import of Electronic Documents from Suppliers: allows you to delete or import electronic documents (XML CFDI/DTE) to the Accounts Payable module.
After importing the XML into the Accounts Payable module, follow the steps below:
- Perform a search by Register status in the Register of Debts and Transactions application. Display all imported debts.
- Register in the accounting account the debit accounting detail.
- Authorize and update the debts.
When an XML is imported and the supplier is not registered in the
Suppliers Catalog, it will be automatically entered into the catalog, before updating the debt, the supplier's data must be reviewed and/or modified.
To assign the UUID to the Credit Notes and Debit Notes is done in the application
Register UUID to Debt Registered in Mexico.
DTE: Electronic Tax Document. Country: Chile
CFDI: Digital Tax Receipt via Internet. Country: Mexico. Upload CFDI / DTE XML Files
To upload an XML file to Accounts Payable, perform the following steps:
Go to Back Office (Administration) → Accounts Payable → Import of Electronic Documents from Suppliers
To import the XML file to the Novohit server you can do this in two ways:
Upload the XML file(s) through the directory:
Press the Add Files button in the Select Files section, a computer window will pop up where you will select the XML file or folder containing the information of the third party CFDI/DTE. Only files with XML extension can be imported.
Click on the file(s) to be imported into Novohit, then press the Open button.
Dragging the XML file or files:
Select the file(s) to import into Novohit and drag them to the Select Files section under "Drag files here". Only files with XML extension can be imported.
Start Upload
Once the files are displayed in the Select Files section, press the Start Upload button to import them to the server.
Visualize XML File Content
To view one or more XML files imported to the Novohit server, follow the steps below:
Go to Administration (Back Office) → Accounts Payable → Import of Electronic Documents from Suppliers
Once the files have been uploaded, click on the check box of the XML file(s) you wish to view in the Import Supplier Electronic Documents section.
Click on the Preview XML button.
For now this functionality is only available in Chile
To convert one or more imported XML files into PDF format, follow the steps below:
Log in to Back Office (Administration) → Accounts Payable → Import of Electronic Documents from Suppliers
Once the files are uploaded, click on the check box of the XML file(s) you wish to view in PDF format in the Import Supplier Electronic Documents section. Click on the Preview PDF button.
We recommend not to convert more than 4-6 XML at a time.
PDFs are generated in real time and are not stored on the server.
The XML must be from suppliers to your company.
Some fields may not be displayed due to the nature of the conversion.
Import XML to Accounts Payable
In the Import Vendor Electronic Documents section click on the check box of the XML file(s) to be imported into Accounts Payable.
Click on the Import button.
File (XML Name): Invoice Generated: #####: The XML file was successfully imported and registered in the Accounts Payable module.
The receiving RFC/RUT is different from the customer's registered RFC/RUT in Novohit.
The UUID is already imported previously.
Delete XML Files
To delete one or more XML files imported to the Novohit server, perform the following steps:
Go to Back Office (Administration) → Accounts Payable → Import of Electronic Documents from SuppliersTo delete the XML file when uploading to the Novohit server:
Press the red colored button in the Select Files section displayed to the right of the XML file to be deleted.
To delete the XML file in the Novohit server:
In the Import of Electronic Documents from Suppliers section click on the check box of the XML file(s) to delete.
Click on the Delete button.