SLA Novohit Support Backups Updates Monitoring SBUM Service Agreement

SLA Novohit Support Backups Updates Monitoring SBUM Service Agreement

The following document details the SLA (Service Level Agreement) of the recurring agreement for Support, Backups, Upgrades and Monitoring Services (SBUM).

1. Services Included

  1. Operational support (*) by our multidisciplinary and certified team for the use of Novohit® software according to the priorities defined in during the following hours: 
    1. 24 hours a day, 365 days a year for mission-critical operations (hotels, hospitals, retail 24x7).
    2. Local business hours for non-critical operations (administrative departments).
  2. Support to official Novohit Interfaces
  3. Backups of Novohit operational data of all acquired modules: databases, reports incrementally and permanently. Stored in encrypted Cloud servers every 6 hours and invoices every 8 minutes. More details in Novohit Backups - Data Backups.
  4. Activation of pre-defined parameters in the system to enable additional functionalities according to acquired modules.
  5. Tour of Use for new modules purchased.
  6. One (1) retraining of Novohit per year.
  7. Support for environmental software and server libraries required for running Novohit®.
  8. Support reports (minutes) when the event requires it.
  9. Support record per customer and per user to track service quality.
  10. Access to our knowledge repositories for Operational and Technical documentation, including requirements, standards and best practices.
  11. Preventive Monitoring Service and monitoring alerts via when a failure is detected in the operating systems or network access.
  12. Minor security updates (Security Upgrades).
  13. Minor Common Upgrades: bugfixes and enhancements to features common to all customers on modules purchased according to the following policies according to feature development policies.
  14. Regulations for the registration of requests for adaptations or specific functionalities required by the client that are not contemplated by the system. A guide is provided to make requests for new functionalities.

2. Nominal Response Times 



Severity Level

Severity Description


Average Reaction


Level 1: Critical

Critical Impact: Critical incident that impacts systems in production that impede the operation. A considerable and significant number of users cannot operate on the platform and do not have alternative temporary work procedures.

Important: see Specifications on EMERGENCY priority and extra charges.

1.    The system does not respond or shuts down.

Critical functionality not available.

3.    Loss or corruption of data.

4.    A large number of end users are unable to operate the platform.

5.    The impact is rapidly escalating.

90 min.


Level 2: Major

Significant Impact: Major incidents in production systems impacting the operation. A large number of users are impacted by the incident but are able to work, albeit to a limited extent.

1. Significant degradation of nominal yield.

2. Important functionality not available.

3. A small number of users cannot work.

4.    The impact is escalating.

6 to 12 hrs


Level 3: Normal

Minimal impact: Incident causing a partial or non-critical loss of functionality in a production system. A small number of users are affected.

1. Degradation less than the nominal performance.

2.    Some system functionalities are not available

3. Small number of users affected but able to continue working with the rest of the system.

4.    The impact is NOT escalating.

24 to 48 hrs


Level 4: Low

Low Impact / New Feature Request: Incident occurring in a non-productive system, question on the use of the system, comment, unanticipated feature request, documentation situation or other issues that do not represent an operational impact according to the initial project specifications.

1. Product operating with incorrect or unexpected behavior, without representing a general operational impact.

2.    Question or Request. Questions or requests will only be considered if they comply with the following policy development of functionalities may be subject to commercial evaluation.

48 to 120 hrs

3. Services Not Included

The following services are not included and may be subject to additional cost, at preferential prices for customers with Support Agreement:

I. Hardware or Network Equipment or Technical Support  

  1. Installation services, configuration, revision, update of networks, hardware or software client terminals (workstation), hardware server equipment.
  2. Reconfiguration of printers and/or preprinted formats that have lost configuration due to a change not foreseen by Novohit. For more details on costs, see the Printers section of this document.
  3. Installation and configuration of additional hardware equipment.

II. Extraordinary Backup or Restore Services

  1. Additional backups of electronic invoices.
  2. Cloud Recovery Services (only for customers with on-site or on-premise servers).
  3. Upgrade the frequency of operational data backups to the current 6 hours: (e.g. every 4/2/1 hour).
  4. Reinstallation of OS and Novohit on compatible server (only for customers with on-site or on-premise servers).
  5. Server migration (only for customers with on-site or on-premise servers).

III. Training, Consulting, Reconfigurations

  1. Operational training for the use of Novohit® in addition to that offered as part of the Support service.
  2. Consultancy for process optimizations in conjunction with the use of Novohit (Front Office, Accounting, Point of Sale) in addition to the initial setup.
  3. Major reconfigurations of parameters, catalogs after the start-up date and warranty.

IV. DNS services, SSL FQDN

  1. DNS, FQDN, SSL acquisition, management, updates and uptime (only for customers with on-site or on-premise servers).

V. Development of Functionalities, Specific Reports, Specific Modules and API connectivity.  

Specific developments and functionalities are governed under our Policies for Enhancement Requests, New Features and API Integrations. 

VI. Support with non-official Third Parties (interfaces or external providers).  

  1. Troubleshooting connectivity problems.

  2. Changes in API versions and language versions.

  3. Resolution of interface problems with third parties not attributable to Novohit.

VII. Access to test environments  

  1. Access to test environments for parallel testing by and under the responsibility of the customer as determined in Test Environments

4. Emergency Priority Policies  

In order to optimize the allocation of resources of the professionals who attend all requests from our clients based on the response time criteria established earlier in this document, we have established a policy for the Emergency priority: Any unjustified EMERGENCY will be subject to additional cost per event USD $200 + applicable VAT. More details on this criterion in Specifications on the use of EMERGENCY Priority and Extra Charges.

Justifiable emergency cases for which no extra charges will be applied:

  1. Novohit/hotelRSV application is NOT available/online causing significant and measurable operational loss.

  2. A high number of user operators cannot log in and operate from different workstations or geographic locations.

  3. It would be degradation of application performance or functionality for different users from different workstations or geographic locations. 

5. Printers  

As defined the creation of printers is defined only during the initial installation of Novohit. After this event, adding or modifying printers is subject to an additional cost as defined in Base Costs paragraph.

6. Base Costs  

The base cost of each Support resolution per event, hour or fraction thereof is USD $200 + applicable taxes.  See Specifications on the use of EMERGENCY Priority and Extra Charges.

Customers who have an SBA Agreement do not apply the hourly cost for regular support and consulting hours assigned in their agreement. These customers also have preferential benefits and discounts for the items mentioned from I to VI considered Extraordinary Support.

Any Operational Support and Technical Support for customers WITHOUT a Novohit Backups Support Service agreement, and Novohit Upgrades will apply a charge of USD $200 / hour / event. Non-agreement customers do NOT apply the items listed in the Included Services section, nor discounts or preferential prices in items I to VI of this document.

7. Additional Notes

Our Operational and Technical Support is provided by our multidisciplinary team, certified and with years of experience in the use of Novohit and the required IT environment.


All payments must be completed within 7 days from the time of invoicing. An additional charge of 10% plus VAT will be applied on overdue invoices from day 10 onwards, which will be reflected in the next invoice. After the 21st day recurring service platforms (e.g. Operating Support, Backups, Cloud) may be blocked for late payment.

The software and system called Novohit is distributed and installed "AS IS" with the characteristics stipulated in the quotations which are accepted by the CUSTOMER at the moment of the acquisition of the service or license of use. 

The Agreement is governed on the basis of:

  1. The Universal Commercial Terms

  2. individual agreements with each Customer as indicated in each implementation proposal

  3. the acceptance of the terms are considered as such upon the payment of the invoices issued for there services quoted in each implementation proposal 

The term of t are automatically renewed on an annual basis until explicit termination by either party with 60 calendar days written notice or as specified in each private agreement.

The recovery of backups of operational data and/or electronic invoices has an additional cost for customers without update service.

The expenses for the generation and installation of the system, the parameterization and sizing of information, implementation, training and user training and post-installation support, are made according to a work plan accepted by both parties, this plan covers the activities performed by the assigned systems personnel within the period of time stipulated therein.

In the event that the client is outside the metropolitan area of Mexico City, Cancun, Q. Roo, Santiago de Chile, San Diego, CA, USA or Los Angeles, CA, USA the client will cover the personal expenses of air and/or ground transportation, lodging and food expenses, non-alcoholic beverages and laundry service, corresponding to each of the persons assigned for the implementation of the systems according to the work plan presented for the installation of equipment and/or for the implementation, training and start-up of the contracted system.

For Remote Training, the training schemes will be conducted remotely with the technological platforms that Novohit® provides for these purposes. Novohit® guarantees that the elements provided during the remote training are exhaustive for regular operation and for management operation. At the end of the established period, its personnel will be prepared to use the tool independently and with a high degree of flexibility; subject to the client making sure to organize its personnel under the terms established in the work plan previously drafted by Novohit® and THE CLIENT, and to present its best ethical and professional availability.

For any Novohit® Cloud Computing Services and/or Operational Support Service, it is a fundamental requirement that the INTERNET ACCESS with a static or fixed IP via broadband minimum as indicated in our official recommendations and in, dedicated exclusively to the administrative or operational or work network (it should not be shared with public Internet) and that it works constantly without long interruptions.

In case of server migration or change of companies, the previous business units (old companies/old servers) are not covered by the agreement and Backups and Upgrades Support Service, since the SLA covers the active license which is transferred to a new company/server/business unit when the change is made.

It is the Client's responsibility to create, suspend, assign roles and permissions to its users. Novohit is not responsible for the use, assigned permissions and access to operations and/or information to which each user registers in the system or information to which he/she has access.

Novohit and its companies reserve the right to assign permissions and users for reasons of, and not limited to, security, license of use, conflict of interest. The customer is responsible for the users registered and the suspension of the same. Novohit is not responsible for the operations that users perform in the system.

The Customer is responsible for the maintenance of terminal equipment, the electrical and internet network, the server site and the server in case of installations with local or on-premises server. All recommendations and specifications are published on

Novohit is not responsible for lost or misused passwords.

Novohit reserves the right to deny the creation of a user for reasons of, and not limited to: potential security issue, conflict of interest, or license misuse. Disclaimer on users, access, permissions and roles: it is the Client's responsibility to assign permissions, roles and authorizations to its users.

Novohit® and its proprietary companies are not responsible for lack of service caused by, among others: Bad upgrades of your local electrical/telecommunications networks, Bad upgrades of your operating terminals, Interrupted Internet service for any reason such as non-payment, low speed or slowness, long or periodic outages, Network configurations or environments that do not comply with the requirements or standards that are published in our Knowledgebase (repository of knowledge or official documentation at

(*) For customers with a fixed monthly or annual support and updates agreement Up to 10 (Ten) hours of support per month per module purchased per Business Unit. Additional hours may be subject to additional cost at preferential price for customers with support and upgrades agreement. Hours are calculated per operational support event.

For Novohit Touch PCs or Novohit Hardware purchased or leased, the Warranty and Support terms set forth in the original quotation or proposal shall apply. In any case, after 2 (two) years from the time of purchase any additional technical support work on the PCs or printers are subject to additional cost.

IF YOU REQUIRE AN ANSWER TO A TICKET, please login to our secure platform - You may reply to email notifications, however it is at your own risk. Our company cannot guarantee that your email will be received, nor can we guarantee the security of your email since it will not travel encrypted, so if you reply by mail, it may be subject to interception by third parties. Take a few minutes to review our recommendations on How to Create, Consult or Respond to a Ticket or Support Request

The individual service of Novohit Operational and/or technical support and hardware environment for customers who do not have a Monthly-Annual Service Agreement for support and upgrades is calculated without preferential discount per Hour or Fraction per event as requested in

Test Environments are considered Novohit facilities which require additional Licenses of Use to those granted. For any case not contemplated in the policies of Test Environments will be subject to an additional charge with prior notification to the customer.

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