Electronic Tax Documents - CL

Electronic Tax Documents - CL

Table of Contents of the Electronic Accounting Manuals

As Novohit is an ERP that integrates all business management operations, the registration of Electronic Tax Documents (DTE) is integrated into the modules that make up the Front Office, POS and Administration suite.
Below is a quick guide in summary table format that allows you to visualize electronic tax document (DTE) applications and reports.
To learn more about the scope of the development you can click on the links located in the Application column.
Front Office
At the moment of checking out and completing the electronic tax document, the PDF and XML of the DTE are automatically sent to the customer's e-mail address.
Front Office
Electronic tax documents such as invoices, credit and debit notes are created.
Point of Sales POS
When the account is closed and the electronic tax document is completed, the PDF and XML of the DTE are automatically sent to the customer's e-mail address.
Point of Sales POS
Electronic tax documents such as invoices, credit and debit notes are created.
Administration Accounts Receivable

  1. Electronic tax documents such as invoices, credit and debit notes are created.
  2. At the moment of closing the account and creating the electronic tax document, the PDF and XML of the DTE are automatically sent to the client's e-mail address.


Novohit allows the integration of XML from third parties' Electronic Tax Documents, thus complementing the company's operations and speeding up the registration process.
Accounts Payable
When new suppliers are created automatically, the default values of the parameters (order one of the parameter) of:
  1. Segment
  2. Type of Suppliers
  3. Credit Days
Accounts Payable
With this application you can import the electronic tax documents of third parties. You can also preview and import the DTE, automatically registering the movements in the respective supplier's account in the Accounts Payable module and the corresponding accounting entry.
Inventory Management
Application to import the header(s) of electronic tax documents from merchandise suppliers.
General Accounting
It issues electronic books of sales and purchases to be sent to the Internal Revenue Service.
General Accounting
It issues the electronic books of the DTE of receipts to be sent to the Internal Revenue Service.
General Accounting
Management of the DTE issued in Novohit, status and sending by e-mail and to the Chilean Internal Revenue Service.
General Accounting
Import of DTE of third parties to make the acknowledgment of response for suppliers.
General Accounting
Management of third party DTE, acknowledgement of receipt shipments.

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